Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Who are you talking too?

I have been accused of talking too much.  In fact I have been told that that has been the hold up in my life because I share with people who don't have my best interest at heart.  I asked God why this is so when I believe that I share out of a genuine desire to help others.  I love to share with people what God is doing in my life because I want them to know that if God can do it for me he can do it for anybody or so I thought.  

Recently, I have begun to evaluate this and while I genuinely want to help people I believe I do it because I want confirmation or validation.  This recently stopped because I found what I already had in God but didn't know it.  When I said the light turned on, it turned on and God cleared out all the corners of my mind and showed me who I was in him.  So I don't need to be validated or approved by others.  God does that for me on a daily basis.

Who are you speaking to?  Are they people you feel are more mature in the faith but when you leave them you are empty, deflated or confused?  Well let me tell you something I know exactly how you feel.  I have walked this road and have found that I was drained, confused and topsy turvy in many things.  Then I made a decision to shut out all the voices around me and seek to hear only his voice and when I did this, stability and balance came, There was peace and quiet for once and now there is an intimacy with God that I have never experienced before.

Don't get me wrong I have always talked to Holy Spirit about everything in my life right down to what I should wear or eat cause when I say everything I mean everything. Jesus said that he is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

So stop talking to people who are not listening or have hidden agendas in their heart or who think you are crazy because you believe against the grain or the norm of society.  Talk to God, commune with him.

He is waiting on you.

SPEAK UP, tell him what you think, how you feel,  he will only appreciate you more and love you more for trusting him.



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